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How special it is to witness love...

Veronika Polaskova


I love my Sunday mornings and teaching yoga at the Fairmont Resort…yesterday, I had this beautiful probably 5-year old girl coming to my class with her dad. He mentioned he was very inflexible but that his daughter, on the other hand, was very flexible and very good 😊 (what a good dad). I replied, “there always has to be a balance of some sort, doesn’t it?” and we laughed. At the end of the class, I always encourage people to “take a moment to appreciate all the gorgeous people in their lives”…and those two looked at each other while lying down in Savasana, the girl gave his dad a big smile and raised her thumb up…what a beautiful moment…I couldn’t help myself but to smile…felt such a beautiful feeling within, grateful for being a part of that moment…how special it is to witness love...🙏