About Me
About Me
My name is Veronika but most people call me Vercha...
I love spontaneity and rawness, imperfections and creativity…
I love trying different things even though they may not turn out as I had thought…many times it is a good thing…
I enjoy passing by the people on the street and give them the biggest smile…they often smile back…
I love walks in the bush and forests…and the trees…then stopping and sitting down on the rocks and looking at life in the valleys…closing my eyes and breathing…listening to the sounds around me…staying there…for a little longer…and just being present and grateful for what I have in my life…
I love my labbies, Hongi, Mauri and little Nico…they are such beautiful fun creatures…cheeky and cuddly…love them heaps…I am learning so much from them every day…how life is one huge play session and that it is only up to us to choose to be happy at every moment…
I love yoga and dance, and movement in general…I love exploring different ways to move and connecting to myself…listen to my breath and allow myself to find whatever I am supposed to find that day…be ok that sometimes my body is not flowing as I would wish and be grateful for it anyway…
I love batik clothes, vegan food (and sweet treats…yum:-)), chai latte, autumn, mountains, Christmas, fireplace, snowflakes, friendships, hugs, honesty and kindness…
I love my beautiful mum, dad and sister…my whole family…I wish they didn’t live so far away but I feel them in my actions every day…
…and I love Kamcha….so much…without him I would not find the strength to follow things I love…