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Living life fully...

Veronika Polaskova


“Our journey is about being more deeply involved in life, yet less attached to it.” (by Ram Dass) What a beautiful piece of wisdom… 🙏 I took some time yesterday morning to think what this really meant to me (partly because I love thinking about ideas, explore them and elaborate on them but also partly because those few words resonated with me and reminded me not to rush through life so much as I have been lately)…for me, it’s those moments when we catch ourselves fully absorbed and joyful in what we do…when we are passionate about life, when we are full of playfulness and curiosity…when we feel so much gratefulness for the little wonders of life but at the same time when we are able to let go of what happened yesterday and start each day, or even each moment afresh…when we follow things we are passionate about but also when we are able to let go of whether we reach where we were aiming or whether we don’t…this is for me the meaning of living life fully… 😊being present to it all but also keeping a sense of freedom and peace by accepting life as it is, not attaching ourselves to how things will turn out (not that I would be really good in it, some days maybe better, some days maybe worse but it’s nice to be reminded of it from time to time 💜)...when we live our life being present, being fulfilled doing what we do, we don’t feel that often the urge to constantly keep chasing something else…because already the place where we are is meaningful to us…🌱🍁💚

Writing those few sentences, I caught myself smiling…and I thought, “How cool it is to be a part of this beautiful life!”…being able to keep learning, evolving, growing, exploring and meeting some amazing beautiful creatures on our path to be inspired by and share our experiences together. I hope we can all slow down a bit and find time to tune in and fill our lives with more meaning, joy and love…❤