Become true to yourself...
Veronika Polaskova
“Which part of yourself do you think is so precious that you will fully lose if you move forward?” I was watching a video the other day while doing something else and this few words from a preview of a recording at the end of the video “Rise of the Lightworkers” (by Lee Harris) had stuck in my head. We do really feel very precious about ourselves so many times in our lives and we often don’t make that step forward…and sometimes it is a wise thing for sure, sometimes we need more time to tune in and decide whether it is in alignment with our values, sometimes there are other living beings involved and it could cause more harm…but there’s also so many of the other times when we know deep inside with certainty that we want to move forward and we know it’s the right thing to do…and many times we don’t… our mind gets in the way…the fear of “losing face” gets in the way…in reality though what is really precious is not keeping our “status”, precious is OUR life…life is really quite short and I wonder how many of us will at the end of our journey say, “I didn’t do the things I wanted to but at least people loved me.”…while we don’t want to hurt other people, we don’t really live our lives for them, our lives are our own responsibility…we can decide in every moment if we “betray” ourselves by not doing what we want (or doing what we don’t want) or whether we fill it with meaningful things that nourish our soul…life is a beautiful thing but it will only feel this way and feel real when we become true to ourselves….and that takes some courage 💜