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Awareness changes everything that needs changing...

Veronika Polaskova


"Awareness is the key to life and it changes everything that needs changing.” (from the book ‘Happiness and How It Happens’ by The Happy Buddha - I can’t recommend this book enough, it’s aweeesome 😀). We often look for ways to change our outer world and change ourselves to have better lives and to become better people with hope that when it happens we will be finally happy...but in the end it is a chase we can never win...because our outer world will never be perfect, neither we’ll be. We often believe that we will feel happy when we have more...more things, more knowledge, more success, more people who love us...but even when we have more, we still feel unfulfilled and incomplete...we feel we are still missing something...

But the good thing is that we don’t have to feel this way and we can be happy right now...without actually needing to change anything at all, as the change will happen by’s all about learning to be present...and being aware of what is happening from moment to moment...allowing and accepting everything that comes as it is...

A really great tool to bring more awareness into our lives is through practicing meditation...I have been meditating on and off for a year, trying to incorporate it into my life on a more regular has helped me to be more ok with who I am and where I am in my life right has helped me to see a bigger picture of things and not to get caught up in momentary reactions as often...I am not perfect and I will never be...but I am no longer striving to be perfect...I am more compassionate towards myself, and not only on those good days but also on days when I don’t feel like I am the best version of myself (why would I even try to be the best version of myself)...I feel more often a sense of wholeness and freedom...

I really believe we can change the world...but to be able to do that we have to start from ourselves...and paradoxically by trying to accept ourselves and our world fully instead of trying to change anything...this is what will help us to connect with our inner place of harmony, peace, joy and wisdom and only from there the right change will occur 🌸💕